Sunday, August 14, 2011

Easy Container Gardening With Kitchen Herbs

It was a fun weekend !  I had the pleasure of presenting a short program at Home Fest on 12 Easy Kitchen Herb Containers.   I was a bit worried as it had been so hot and muggy and we had been dealing with the smoke from the fire in the Dismal Swamp that had blanketed the area and we were afraid that the lack of good outdoor conditions would negatively impact attendance.  Luckily the weather cooled a wee bit and the fire cooperated by sending the smoke North and we had around 20 people pop in for my scheduled herb talk.   We had a few others drift in and out and I passed out all my handouts and most of my samples of dried herbs.

This is the third year I have done this particular talk and I'm beginning to recognize some of the returning faces in the crowd.