Fits and starts. And life goes on.
Spent most of Monday in the emergency room. Not a fun experience and even less for my husband. He fell and bless his heart he had no strength left. I called an ambulance and off we went. We are now at the point where I have to get assistance as I can no longer meet his needs for care by myself. Sad. He is very fragile, but tough at the same time. Have a lot to get set up.
There were about a gallon of blueberries sitting on the kitchen counter that I picked from the neighbor's blueberry patch. I had forgotten about them in all the chaos, but they are now safely stashed in the frig in the garage that I use as cold storage for the garden. I had some help picking as my other neighbor wanted a few berries for muffins and some for the freezer. Tom had called and begged someone to go over and pick as Liz was down at the beach and he was out of town doing something for the Extension office and wanted them to be put to good use, so we slathered on some skeeter spray and tried to stay on the shady side of the patch that was under the pines as it was miserable hot and humid out there. We had some good exercise as we ducked and wove our way under the bird netting. I love the berries straight off the branch. So so good! I need to go out sometime today and strip some more bushes and find some more volunteers to help pick. They are bearing well this year. I had sworn I was not going to do any jamming this year, but but but.......good intentions and all that and there is something cathartic, or even spiritual going through the process. I'm going to make some Blueberry Oatmeal cookies sometime this afternoon, too. Keeping busy.
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